BCNA’s Work to Enhance the Livability of Our Neighborhood

BCNA has been busy addressing issues that affect our neighborhood. Here are two recent examples of what we’ve been up to. If there are issues you would like BCNA to take up or if you would like to participate, please contact us,

BCNA’s Input on the Port’s Draft Waterfront Plan

Earlier this summer, the Port of San Francisco issued its Draft Waterfront Plan for public comment. That plan specifies the Port’s policies regarding future development on the waterfront. This week Port staff announced several proposed revisions to the Draft, including a key revision urged by BCNA. The original Draft contained ambiguous language allowing the Port to pursue a blanket lifting of certain state controls over seawall lot development. These lots lie west of the Embarcadero on the northeast waterfront. Lifting such controls in blanket fashion would remove key protections and controls over future development in our neighborhood. BCNA raised its concern and provided language allowing the Port to pursue lifting the controls only case by case, and only after the Port determined a specific development project for an individual lot. BCNA’s language was accepted verbatim. Thus, the revision will ensure a more thoughtful process regarding any development of seawall lots in our neighborhood. The Draft Waterfront Plan will be finalized after undergoing environmental review.

BCNA Delivers Local Feedback on SFMTA’s Battery and Sansome Connections Project

BCNA has reached out to members about the recent traffic changes proposed and then implemented by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) along Sansome, Battery, and Davis Streets. After the partial changes to roads and walkways were implemented this summer, we asked our members who live and/or work in the neighborhood about what is working, what is not and what else needs improvement. We sent a letter to SFMTA and Supervisor Aaron Peskin detailing implementation issues and need for more improvements to enhance safety. Read BCNA’s letter to SFMTA.